Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Opti Free is the way to be.

I looked around my room for a certain brand and its promises, there were so many good ones. But i came across a gold mine. The Opti Free Express Contact Solution. The promise that Opti Free made was "lasting comfort, no rub, comfort that lasts all day." This product does what it says it does. It gives me long lasting comfort all day, i even sometimes forget the contacts are in there (always a bad thing when your trying to take out your contacts and your poking at your eye ball). The "No Rubbing" holds true, i never rub my eyes or ever have to adjust my contacts. And if i ever do its because i have a 15ft eyelashes that get caught in my eye. It also promises that it "cleans, rinses, disinfects, and stores" the contact. The cleaning part theres no way i can test it out but i feels clean when its in there, the rinsing part i have had dust and particles on the contact and the solution washed it away. For the disinfects part i also have no way to test if the contact is sterile but once again it feel like it is and i haven't gotten an infection or anything yet. And the stores aspect. It really does store the contact well and when i take it out to be used the contact feels good. So all in all Opti Free really is the way to be.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Cool title, good topic choice.
I see that you identified the product's promise, but I'm not clear on what you knew from the product package and what's from the material you found on the Internet. What is the name of the site and the link to it?