Thursday, September 27, 2007

Big Business vs. Communication

There is a much larger impact of blogging on communication, than there is with blogging in business. Business's do not use blogging as much as communication does. Websites like X'anga and Facebook, and Myspace have huge blogging areas. And more and more people are using them. I dont see how business would profit from blogging. Advertising helps business's not blogging. Blogging is not made for business in my eyes. Yes, its a way for people to communicate their ideas but i dont see that blowing up in the business world. Blogging to some people is the way of the future for big business but i really dont see that happening at all. Blogging will always be more popular and used by teenagers and younger people. It dont think its supposed to be used to profit or make money. Its a way of communicating your ideas and your thoughts. So in the end blogging for communication would come out on top.